
QueenNatsumi bot is an UserBot for WhatsApp That allowing you to get done so many tasks. This is not a Open-Source project. This is just a project that allow you to get deploy a bot. Additionally, it enables plug-in support for users. Install their own plugins to the original software and use as they please. Usage is entirely the responsibility of the user. The developer team is not responsible.

⚠️ Warning!
Because of user bots; Your WhatsApp account can be banned. You are responsible for everything you do. Most likely, using WhatsApp setting management commands too much may caused getting banned. Certainly, Queen Natsumi executives do not take responsibility. By setting up Queen Natsumi Bot you are considered to have assumed these responsibilities.

GitHub Clones


This project is protected by the GNU General Public License v3.0. Do not edit copyright messages!


WhatsApp name, its variations and logo are registered trademarks on Facebook. We have nothing to do with the registered trademark.


Try public bot

You can try out how bot working.
Join WhatsApp public group.

You can comment feature request to add new ideas to bot.

All Features πŸ“’ Available β˜‘οΈ Version πŸ”Ž
Admin Commands βœ… 1.0
AFK βœ… 1.2
AI Scanner βœ… 1.1
Add & Kick User βœ… 1.0
Carbon.sh Plugin βœ… 1.4
Deep AI APIs βœ… 1.0
Ban & Unban User βœ… 1.0
FFMPEG Support βœ… 1.6
Filter Support βœ… 1.2
Greetings Support βœ… 1.2
Group Link Generator βœ… 1.0
Heroku Plugin βœ… 1.5
Jid Scraper βœ… 1.0
Location Plugin βœ… 1.0
Lydia βœ… 1.2
Music Downloader βœ… 1.2
Meme Maker βœ… 1.0
Mute & Unmute Chat βœ… 1.3
Nekobin Plugin βœ… 1.0
OCR Plugin βœ… 1.2
Plugin Support βœ… 1.0
Pre-Trained Effects βœ… 3.2
Promote & Demote User βœ… 1.1
Remove BG Plugin βœ… 1.0
Youtube Downloader βœ… 1.2
Scam Actions βœ… 1.3
Scrapers βœ… 1.5
Spammer βœ… 1.4
Speedtest πŸ› οΈ 1.6
Sticker Maker βœ… 1.0
Tagall βœ… 1.0
Google TTS βœ… 1.6
Unvoice βœ… 1.3
Web Screenshot Plugin βœ… 1.5
Wallpaper Plugin βœ… 1.4


Command Description
.Natsumi Shows all existing commands.
.alive Checks if the bot is running.
.ban Kick the user from the group.
.afk It makes you AFK. Sends the afk message when you receive a private message or tag.
.effectimg Text into images and logos menu.
.term Allows the ability to execute commands on the server shell.
.block It blocks the user from WhatsApp.
.unblock It unblocks the user from WhatsApp.
.add Adds people to the group.
.plugin Shows the plugins you have installed.
.install It installs plugins.
.remove It delete plugins.
.xmedia It shows preset effects that you can apply to photo, video, and sound.
.unvoice Sends any sound as a voice message.
.scam It does fake actions.
.carbon Converts the text to the code picture.
.promote Makes someone in the group admin.
.demote It takes admin from someone in the group.
.mute Close the chat.
.unmute Open the chat.
.invite Sends the link to the group.
.mp4audio Converts video to sound.
.imagesticker Converts image sticker to photo.
.ffmpeg It applies the desired ffmpeg filter to the video.
.filter Adds a filter. It is active when someone writes the filter.
.stop Stops the filter.
.ss Takes a screenshot of the page in the given link.
.welcome Sends a message to those who enter the group.
.goodbye Sends a message to those leaving the group.
.restart Restarts the bot.
.shutdown Shutdown the bot.
.dyno Displays your remaining dyno hours.
.getvar Shows the config var status.
.setvar Sets the config var.
.delvar Remove the config var.
.locate It sends your location quickly.
.addlydia It activates the artificial intelligence chat.
.rmlydia Stops Artificial intelligence chatting.
.meme It makes a meme to the photo.
.neko It saves the message you answered to Nekobin.
.ocr Reads the text in the photograph and translates it into text.
.kickme It will kick you out of the group you are.
.join Reply Link Join Group.
.jid It shows the jid address of any person.
.removebg Removes the background of the photo you replied to.
.trt Translates between languages.
.tts Converts text to voice message.
.currency Converts currencies.
.song It downloads the song you wrote.
.yt Search on Youtube.
.video Downloads video from Youtube.
.wiki Searches on Wikipedia.
.img It downloads 5 photos from the word you wrote.
.spam It will send your typed text as spam until you stop it.
.killspam It stops spam.
.sticker It makes a photo or video to sticker.
.sysd Shows system properties.
.tagall Tags everyone in the group.
.update Checks for updates.
.update now Update the bot.
.weather Shows the weather of the city you are typing in.
.ping Ping meter!
.speedtest Makes speed test.
.deepai Provides a list of AI tools that use deep learning with Deep AI artificial intelligence.
.wallpaper Sends random high resolution wallpaper.

XMedia Plugin Commands πŸ› οΈ

Komut πŸ’» Description ℹ️
.mp4enhance It improves the quality of the video.
.x2mp4 It reduces the quality of the video by 2 times.
.x4mp4 It reduces the quality of the video by 4 times.
.mp4reverse Plays the video in reverse.
.mp4blur Blurs the video background.
.mp4vintage Applies a vintage effect to the video.
.mp4bw Applies a monochrome effect to the video.
.mp4edge It calculates the depth of the viden and applies the neon edge effect accordingly.
.mp4image Converts photo to 5 seconds video.
.gif It makes the video gif.
.agif Makes the video an audio gif.
.spectrum It converts the spectrum of sound into video.
.avec Converts the frequency range of the sound to 3D video.
.waves It converts the wavelengths of sound into video.
.frequency Converts the frequency of the sound to video.
.volumeaudio Converts the decibel value of sound to video.
.cqtaudio Converts the cqt value of audio to video.
.mp3eq Adjusts the sound to a crystal clear level.
.mp3low It makes the sound deep and slow.
.mp3pitch It refines and accelerates the sound.
.mp3crusher It distorts the sound, makes it ridiculous.
.mp3reverse Plays the sound in reverse.
.x2mp3 It speeds up the sound 2 times.
.mp3volume It increases the sound level 6 times.
.bwimage Makes the photo black and white.
.vintageimage Applies a vintage effect to the photo.
.edgeimage It calculates the depth of the photo and appropriately applies an edge effect.
.enhanceimage It improves the quality of the photo.
.grenimage Applies a grain effect to the photo.
.blurimage Blurs the background of the photo.

Scam Commands πŸ› οΈ

Command Description
.scam typing It shows you typing for 5 minutes.
.scam recording It shows you as recording for 5 minutes.
.scam online It shows you online for 5 minutes.
.scam stop Stops fake actions.

I thank all supporters endlessly. We are individually grateful to everyone.

QueenNatsumi Setup


Step 1:

very simple matherd.

βœ” Click on "Run on Repl.it" button and Run the qr by clicking play button.

Run on Repl.it

βœ” Now you can scan the QR code with your Whatsapp.
βœ” Open WhatsApp > Linked devices > Link A device > Scan QR code
βœ” Check the qr code for your whatsapp you are using.

Step 2:

βœ” Now click on the "Deploy to heroku" button and read it carefully.


βœ” you go to heroku deploy and go to Resources.
βœ” You can click on it.
βœ” Now you go to heroku view log.
βœ” Now you can use the bot.
βœ” You can get the list using .kg.
βœ” We also accept responsibility for any errors that may occur during the use of the button.


Comment down below your awesome ideas add to Queen Amdi Bot. We will try to add them as soon as possible.

(NOTE : Don't request bad or illegal features that hating people or bullying for someone. We are not supporting any of Inhumane doings.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers for few frequently asked questions;

  • Can you read my messages???

  • Since this project is open source, all codes are clear. Not more or less; You can see what you want. Your accounts are not accessible.

  • What about our security?

  • If you are concerned about security, you can install it on your own computer. If you think someone else has taken over your data, Whatsapp> Three Dots> Whatsapp Web> Logout.

  • Do these bots have to pay??

  • Of course not. It never happens.

    Here are all the commands with details.

    Thanks everyone!

    We will always remember you..

How to turn off bot for specific chats or groups. [BLOCK_CHAT]

The only solution for annoying groups is to leave the group. But do you want to stay there and keep your bot not working for that group? Then follow the steps below to successfully block Chats.

1️⃣ Get the Jid number of the group you want to block Chat from.
βš™οΈ Go to the group where you want to block the chat to get the JID number and write .jid Then you can get the JID number for that group.

2️⃣ Write down only the digits in the JID number you received. (copy)
How you get the JID number when commanded :-
Chat's JID address: 977489037858-1329946663@g.us
This is what we should get :-
Only the numbers that came to you as 977489037858-1329946663.

3️⃣ Now take the number you obtained and log in to your Heroku account and log in to your Bot application.

4️⃣ Go to the SETTINGS there.

5️⃣ Once in SETTINGS you will find a button labeled Reveal Config Vars and touch on it.

6️⃣ You will then see the Config Vars in your application. Scroll down until you find BLOCK_CHAT.

7️⃣ Once you find BLOCK_CHAT, touch the pencil (editor pencil) in front of it. You will then get a page with two boxes.

8️⃣ Enter the JID number you obtained in the box labeled VALUE on the new page that came to you above.
How to paste it :-

9️⃣ Then touch on SAVE CHANGES below to confirm the changes made

πŸ”Ÿ Then go to MORE at the top right and touch Restart all dynos to restart the bot.

⚠️ When entering JID numbers in many groups :- ⚠️
Type like above.

πŸ’‘Now Your Done!
You Can Enjoy freedom again πŸ˜‰

Heroku site link :- https://www.heroku.com/

ʟΙͺʟ ʟᴜᴒΙͺ
ʟΙͺʟ ʟᴜᴒΙͺ
(Public Supportive)